About Us
Agricultural Engineers and Post-Harvest Technologists

Our Story
IRRICADTM Irrigation Design Software allows for rapid analysis of complex hydraulic systems, which facilitates faster design changes.
AgriTech Solutions comes with fully cutomisable farm productivity enhancement services for professionals and training modules for students.

Mr. Milind Kayande
Ms. Supriya Hiswankar
Supriya Hiswankar, an Agricultural Engineer, a known contact from 2015, and currently a freelance IRRICADTM Irrigation designer, based in Pune, with number of years of experience in various irrigation design applications in India and overseas.

Our Mentor
Mr. Graham McDougall
Milind worked alongside me at Rainer Irrigation. He already had a sound Knowledge of NZ agriculture through previous employment.
I assisted him in my office with sales, and I knew in an instance he was able to retain knowledge. Milind brought with him a strong Computer Skills which made for a good team right from the start! I groomed him with the on farm practical aspect and he was then able to quote for the proposals. It proved his strength on history of sales and meant he had a rapport with company reps for competitive pricing. Milind grew to where he could do a complete appraisal, quote, sale and Install of any system and it was my pleasure to groom him and watch his growth and progress in Rainer Irrigation.